February 10, 2007

always one more

Posted in Uncategorized at 10:31 pm by abeautifulluv

blessing to praise God for!

And what a refreshing thought that is. No matter what happens in life, no matter how big or small the trial, there is always some way we are blessed beyond the situation.

Right now, it’s a huge thing for me to think and dwell on. And, it never ceases to bring a smile to my face. God is just so good isn’t he?

January 8, 2007

Posted in Uncategorized at 5:23 pm by abeautifulluv

Here are some of our wedding pictures. Feel free to comment or enjoy!


November 21, 2006

getting at the “how” in dating

Posted in Uncategorized at 4:36 pm by abeautifulluv

so it sounds like a weird subject but it’s a good question for Christians. They say that once you mess up on something you have no say but i beg to differ. Messing up usually gives you insight you normally would not otherwise have. For a while, I’ve wondered what Biblical dating looks like. I stumbled upon a few articles that were very helpful in answering the question. Why would I wonder about that? I’m already married. True but sometimes a question just won’t go away, and, I have plenty of friends who are not married yet. Advice is always a good thing.

In this day and age, it seems to me that there is no such thing as “Biblical” dating. Either people are really extreme and reserved and almost against the whole idea (this might look like someone who thinks they have a commitment to not date or something but really it’s just an excuse b’cause they don’t know how to handle dating and want to play it “safe.” Not bad but sometimes you have to go from your comfort zone. God doesn’t just bring a mate to your front door.) We all know there is old-fashioned dating but we don’t live in an old-fashioned world. And, sometimes there isn’t support for that kind of dating, believe it or not. (support from parents not really wanting to be involved, or other opinions, etc.) we live in a world where people have it so mixed up and I think as Christians, we really have followed, whether we know it or not. Actually, I think we know it but choose to be ignorant because we don’t know what to do about it. Great solution. I found this that really makes sense. It’s something to keep in mind all you people out there who are dating. It’s a different mind set. Good stuff to think about.

Basically, we can make three general statements about modern dating vs. biblical dating in terms of their respective philosophies:

  1. Modern dating seems to be about “finding” the right person for me (as my friend Michael Lawrence has written on this site); biblical dating is more about “being” the right person to serve my future spouse’s needs and be a God-glorifying husband or wife.
  2. In modern dating, intimacy precedes commitment. In biblical dating, commitment precedes intimacy.
  3. The modern dating approach tells us that the way to figure out whether I want to marry someone is to act like we are married. If we like it, we make it official. If we don’t, then we go through something emotionally — and probably physically — like a divorce. In biblical dating, Scripture guides us as to how to find a mate and marry, and the Bible teaches, among other things, that we should act in such a way so as not to imply a marriage-level commitment until that commitment exists before the Lord 

where this was from— biblical dating from a Christian webzine

October 26, 2006

music to my ears

Posted in Uncategorized at 11:29 am by abeautifulluv

Music is such a beautiful thing. I just cannot get away from that fact. It’s something God  created to be an expression. And a beautiful expression it can be! It can be used to praise, to pray, to express a multitude of emotions, and so many other things.

  Years ago I took piano lessons. Although I did not quite appreciate the work and effort at the time, I am now thankful for the experience. Music has become one of the most important parts of my life. (the proof would be the cd collection of close to 70 cds that I own lol.)

 I love a very very wide variety.. probably to match the wide variety of moods I find myself in.  Jazz, worship, instrumental, soundtracks, contemporary, oldies, folk, techno (lol thank you wonderful friends of mine), and oh the list goes on.

I can’t help but be thankful to my Lord for creating one of the most amazing,expressive things in existence.


October 18, 2006

Worth a Thousand Words

Posted in Uncategorized at 3:31 am by abeautifulluv

just a pretty flower      me and Josh  

   the cat completes the picture, wouldnt you say?




 dining room/living room


the cute little kitchen


These are all random but some I like

me and mom      music note- a naturale    the two troublemakers   


our family (minus me who took the picture)